Article Tech

How to use AI to support strategic marketing planning

Marketing planning is a fundamental requirement within any successful business for a number of reasons: It helps to define clear, measurable objectives which align with overall business goals; whether that is to increase sales, expand the market share or launch a new product. It can help with aligning resources (financial and human) to achieve the …

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Will ChatGPT be replacing analytical jobs?

There has been much attention and hype since the launch of the research phase of ChatGPT in November 2022 and how it can answer what appears to be any question that is posed to ,it in an amazing amount of depth and intelligence. So what is ChatGPT? ChatGPT is a chatbot interface powered by large …

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How artificial intelligence is improving marketing

The use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in marketing and sales has been around for many years now.  It is probably best associated with Amazon, which attributes 35% of its revenues to the AI recommendation agent it developed 8 years ago. Machine learning, related to AI, is an algorithm that automatically learns from data and applies …

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Google Analytics 4 (GA4) and why your business needs to act quickly

Many businesses currently use the Google Analytics Universal version to evaluate the effectiveness of their website(s) and understand visitor behaviour.  Change however is afoot as Google has announced it will be phasing out this popular product in July 2023 in favour of the new Google Analytics 4 (GA4).  To ensure businesses can still access the …

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Building customer trust in the way your organisation manages data

Even though GDPR has been around for 4 years, many customers still need to be convinced that companies are handling their data carefully.  Customers are savvier to the use of their data which is why more are applying ad-blockers, unsubscribing from emails and not giving consent to marketing communications.  More recently the banning of third-party …

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How to cope with the demise of third-party cookies

Back in 2018 we spoke about the impending GDPR legislation and how it would impact cookie tracking on websites, potentially losing valuable insight around consumers’ online behaviour. Four years on, the GDPR legislation has been enforced and we have also seen the demise of 3rd party cookies.  This is due to the likes of Apple, …

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Article Google Analytics Tech

Google Analytics Alternative?

How does WebFusion compare to Google Analytics Premium and Adobe?   WebFusion was originally designed for eCommerce companies as a more affordable alternative to Google Analytics’ (GA) free version or premium (x360) and Adobe. We did this because, as consultants, we were constantly restricted by the current tech’s limitations. Many of our clients would have …

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