We have previously talked about the impending switch from the Google Analytics Universal version to Google analytics 4, which is happening on 1st July 2023. After which point you can access historical data for 6 months but then it will cease to be in operation. With that we suggested a number of things you could …
Category: Google Analytics
Harmonising Multiple Analytics Reporting Platforms
Digging for gold inside your website code
When we talk about data in an organisation, there are some types which we immediately think of: Customer data Address data Product data HR data Finance data All of these categories of data are critical to running a business, and sorting out that data will greatly benefit the business. But lots of people are doing …
Google Analytics Alternative?
How does WebFusion compare to Google Analytics Premium and Adobe? WebFusion was originally designed for eCommerce companies as a more affordable alternative to Google Analytics’ (GA) free version or premium (x360) and Adobe. We did this because, as consultants, we were constantly restricted by the current tech’s limitations. Many of our clients would have …
Common problems with Google Analytics’ digital audience reporting
No matter the size and scope of your website, you will invariably want to understand four key things about it in order to evaluate its performance. These are: How different groups of people get to your site Where they land on it How they move around its pages and Whether or not they ‘convert’ (that …