The Fusion Analytics team are looking for clients to give a final auto-tagging test of their WebFusion software. The software looks set to transform digital tracking and make life easier for website/digital analysts and managers.
What is tagging?
For those of you familiar with tools like Google Analytics, you will hopefully be familiar with the concept of tags.
A tag is a small piece of code put on your website that is triggered when specific events happen and, in doing so, it captures information for a site’s analytics and analysis.
The most common event is a page view, however more advanced website managers will know of other events and ecommerce tags.
The tag captures a set of data, the cookie (or user id) of the web visitor, the page, where the web visitor came from, browser information. It then sends it to a data repository, such as Google Analytics or a tool like WebFusion.
Typically, tags are set up for a specific event or action. Here’s a simple example of tags in action…
Here, the Digital Analyst will need to have implemented six tags to capture this information. This is a relatively simple example and we have seen some cases where there are 200+ tags across 40+ sites (link to case study).
What is the issue with manual tagging as it is today?
Missed information
Data is often not captured unless the tag is fired and information sent to the repository. So, if a tag is missing, you can only start to measure from the point of implementation. Often by the time you realise you don’t have the right tag in place, it is too late.
Mis-configured information
A good analyst would have a well organised set of tags, where:
- There is a consistent naming convention
- Case and spelling of tags are uniform
- Tags are tested and fired properly; but only on the required event
However, it is easy for a tag to over fire and interrupt even the cleanest of installations. Whilst it is possible to tidy this up in WebFusion, in most free tools you are stuck with what’s been done historically making reports messy.
Tag management
As the number of tags increase it can become harder to test and manage them. This is extrapolated when you have multiple sites. For example, by time you have turned on the tags on one site, it can be several weeks before you finish and test the 40th!
All of these issues then impact the overall history of your analytics accounts. For example, if you have five actions on a page and create a sixth. Your average events per visitor should (logically) increase by 20%. Hence it may look like you are 20% up year on year, but in fact you just have more information.
Auto Tagging Solutions in WebFusion from Fusion Analytics
Drawing on our many years’ experience of working with many brands, retailers, asset managers, insurers, charities, telecoms and travel experts, we have created a single tag that captures a large proportion of this information as standard.
We have combined the basic page view tag, with a set of standard tags looking at:
- internal links
- out links
- form submissions
- clicks
- and other actions on a site.
Whilst this will provide much more information than a standard tagging solution, we can then cleanse the data after receiving it; filtering out key information.
The advantages to an organisation
Quite simply, we can do this without deleting an organisation’s historic ‘tagged’ data. Our reporting data base is just a view of the raw data we collect. This means that if you need to we can:
- Add in KPIs retrospectively
- Clean data and reformat it to create a single Goal (i.e. a contact us form on multiple pages)
- Reduce development and deployment time
WebFusion also delivers a range of other benefits:
- The ability to identify a person online and see their web history
- Track data across all your sites and affiliate partners
- Access a GDPR friendly solution which gives you more control over your data than free online tools
- Technical support to build bespoke reports that fit your needs
- Any many more…
Get involved in the final test…
We are looking for clients to give a final test of our new platform which, with the aim of reducing our deployment time; and taking almost no time at all for you.
Our aim is to review the data that we captured to ensure that we are getting all the events that you want or may require in the future.
If you want to be on the cutting edge of digital tracking, please get in touch to learn more. Please contact us at or give us a call on 0203 2875 387